
"Educating our future about our past."

What is this website?

Queers Through the Years is a website made to share information about important people and events from queer history. There are definitions for terms related to LGBTQ+ identities, a timeline of important people and events, and a page with lots of resources for people who would like to do some research themselves.

Why does this website exist?

Many people today are not educated about queer history. Due to the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, a whole generation of queer elders are not around now to pass along information about the history of our community. Young people today do not have many sources about queer history, and the sources that do exist are not shared enough. There has also been a rise of people erasing the history of our community, saying that being gay or being transgender is something new or just a trend. This is not the case.

Important Things to Note

Some of the language used on this site may be outdated or could be considered offensive to some people. It is important to keep in mind that the language people use to describe themselves and their connection to gender and sexuality is constantly evolving, so important figures in queer history may have used terms to describe themselves that are no longer used today, an example being the term transsexual. Some people may have also described their gender or sexuality using terms that are recognized as slurs, such as fag, dyke, or tranny - an example of this being the name "Dyke March" used for some events. In situations like this, it is important to remember the context that the word is being used in.

Created by Michael Rolling